Thursday, April 18, 2024

ange1ade: The next morning, Spiderman was grounded for getting sneaker marks on the wall of the pool room
zedleeftw: this aint my first game
hUntanoMAD: Dave never did quite "get" gravity, but he played pool like no other
Soxfan196o: the day you find out your friend is a ninja
SmittyBoy: It's all in the angle of the dangle
Fargblabble: "Not only did Alan's wild stunt cost him three stitches, two lost teeth, and a permanent ban from the pool hall, but he completely and embarrassingly missed his shot, managing only to gouge a tear in the table's fabric with one end of his cue while jabbing himself in the sternum with the other, before his inevitable, inglorious and unflattering fall back to earth."
Vecingettorix: with his world famous prehensile man parts, Pablo was able to overcome having only one arm and pursue his dream of professional snooker
Don_Domat: What has four legs, is green and fuzzy, and would kill you if it fell from a tree and hit you?
A billiards table.
Avandor: Sometimes you need to hit the ball EXTRA hard...
Cdfannic: POV, when you bet 1k on the win
Chiquitita Vargas: Angle your body for the perfect shot (caption)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

KoL Miners Daughter: - 40 pts

The what the NS and her goons did on summer break. Where they went, what they did. Who they killed maybe?

ange1ade:  - 17 pts

Theme: "Summer vacation gone awry"

Soxfan196o: - 24 pts

In the quaint seaside town of Seaside Town in Kingdom of Loathing, adventurers discover that monsters are mysteriously disappearing due to the glitches in the matrix. Create a quest to fix the issue and make the monsters come home.

Sleigh Belle: - 22 pts

The Crimbo elves have started to unionize against Santa and demand that they have paid time off during the summer. Santa agrees and sends the elves off on a cruise. Describe where the elves go and what happens on the cruise.

theMalcolite: - 58 pts

Big Box Summerpalooza 2024 - Coming to a Theater Near You!

KOL's hit the big time, and Hollywood has decided to bring stick figures to the silver screen. Give your exactly 100 word elevator pitch for the KOL related movie that's being released.

shgr: - 12 pts

Title: "AI" story contest
contestants may submit any KoL-related story, but must make it sound like its written by an AI

The Tainted Wisdom: - 26 pts

- The Hey Deze of Our Lives -
With Summer's promise of flesh-melting heat, why not turn your thoughts to denizens of the much more stable climate of Hey Deze/Pandamonium? What's daily life like? Or their purpose/aspirations? Or maybe Azazel's latest scheme?

Chadsworty: - 41 pts

In an effort to monetize the hatred between the various factions and races in the Kingdom of Loathing, TPTMBG are introducing a new concept to the Kingdom: SPORTS! What sport? What teams? How does the first season go? Hippies VS Fratboys in a winner-take-all battle of Death Disc? Mer-kin vs Sand Worms in the most confusing, multi-platform soccer match ever? You decide!


Monday, March 25, 2024

Chadomancer: "Get into the movies," they said. "It'll be really fun," they said. This brings new meaning to the term "bored stiff." - 14 pts 
The Tainted Wisdom: On the set of "Limbo Man and Party Girl vs Captain Buzzkill", Warner Bros' newest superhero cinematic universe attempt. When asked about giving less time and money for CGI again, they asked "What could go wrong?" - 6 pts, 3 vts
Unconventionable: Oops, the greenscreen didn't work - 4 pts
ange1ade: It's all fun and games until the VFX person forgets to green screen-out the spandex blob men. - 3 pts
Gawea: I always knew the Matrix was controlled by little green men! - 6 pts, 4 vts
Mistress of the Obvious: We will make limbo champions out of you yet! - 7 pts
shgr: when you find a new glitch in the matrix - 0 pts
Soxfan196o: "if we saw movies like the directors do" - 9 pts
amoebalady: "I dunno, man... They're not coming loose. We're just gonna have to paint them green and hope nobody notices em." - 4 pts
hUntanoMAD: In second version of Matrix, the green people were made invisible, as they kept breaking people's immersion - 0 pts
Monarch309: Fire the Neo-pult ! ! ! - 13 pts


Monday, March 18, 2024

Chadomancer: Jerry?? I'm GONNA DO the Hadooken, Jerry!! - 6 pts, 3 vts
ange1ade: Next time on unlikely match-ups: the cast of How I Met Your Mother vs Bioshock Infinite - 7 pts. 3 vts
Hazyduck: I dunno maybe the strongest survive? - 2 pts
blockhead77: I can't wait for the first tournament where everyone is using Kramer except one dude who mains Chung-Li - 5 pts
Servius: Its still, a show about nothing. - 11 pts
JCS: She said "I got nothing. I don't like either of them.". - 3 pts, 1 vt
Soxfan196o: its a game about nothing - 13 pts
Unconventionable: Seinfeld vs Capcon: Will we finally see an appropriate ending for Seinfeld? - 7 pts, 4 vts
The Tainted Wisdom:

Fan: "Look, I know wanted a Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter for DECADES, but it's not like Capcom is actively spitting in our faces righ-"
- 3 pts, 1 vt
de nisovan: No special kill move for you! - 8 pts
N00B1N4T0R: Megaman Megaman, a young explorer's strange erotic journey from Milan to Minske - 3 pts, 2 vts
Avandor: Coming this summer - Going Postal DLC, which introduces Newman as a playable character. - 6 pts, 4 vts
Fargblabble: the outcry of bitter tears from each player, as they fell one-by-one to George's brutal "Festivus Finisher," was so intense that the character was officially outlawed from play by the start of the next tournament - 4 pts


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Avandor: When you promised I would be tapping if I went with you tonight... this isn't what I thought you meant. - 12 pts, 4 vts
Soxfan196o: Sigh... Not only is he beating me but he looks and dresses like me but also has hair. - 11 pts, 6 vts
The Tainted Wisdom: New technology allows modern Yugioh players to see what they'll look like halfway through their turn 1 combos! - 5 pts
Don_Domat: Oh, nooo! He has the same shirt. Now everyone at the high school (?) won't be able to tell us apart........... - 2 pts
troubletop: Stop trying to make "my hair" the doesn't work that way - 0 pts
Monarch309: Who knew players would be matched based on what they wore? - 11 pts, 7 vts
hUntanoMAD: He never did have the same sense of style, but Yugi's grandfather NEVER lost a duel - 2 pts
ange1ade: "What a weird card pack sale at the Dollar Tree... This one says 'Blue-Eyes White Drag Queen'" - 2 pts
As_the_palace_burns: Flannel Trap - 3 pts
The_Dancing_Viagra: if i keep staring at my trap card, nobody will notice me fondling yugi's balls - 0 pts
Chadomancer: "Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated." - Sun Tzu - 12 pts, 5 vts
Unconventionable: What the hell did I just walk into? - 4 pts
Rheia: "Harold looked at his boardstate in dismay. He would not be able to defeat his younger self." - 14 pts