Saturday, April 1, 2017

Explaining the Palooza story contest voting system

So the voting system is mainly divided into three parts, the entrants voting for each other; a jury vote that consists of non-entrants, non-players and me; and a public vote represented by a poll.

This is mainly a positional vote where points based on rank are given to entries, except for the public vote, which is proportional

The entrant vote is where each entrant votes for the other entries excluding theirs, in this case a top ten where the points to give arr 1-8, 10 and 12. This is like how we do it with the captions, but instead of 1-3, it's that ten sets of points.

The jury vote will usually consist of three or five jurors, one of them will always be me. Each juror will rank every entry from 1 to n, 1 being the highest this time. These rankings are then combined and the totals ranked, the top ten then given the same set of points as above.

Public voting is different, instead of a positional vote based on who ranks highest, there will instead be a pool of points equal to the number of points given in the entrant (maybe also jury) vote. e.g. 15 entrants will have given 870 points if all voted.

A percentage based on the poll rank will then be the basis of how much of the points from the pool will be given to an entry. e.g. An entry scoring 5% on the poll will receive 5% of 870 points, 43 or 44 points depending on the rounding.


Revision by MooseBlaster:

Three part voting system: entrants vote for other entrants; votes from a non-entrant based jury, and a public vote represented by a poll.

The entrant vote is where each participant votes for the other entries excluding theirs, where the points to give are 1-8, 10 and 12(58 total). Similar to the caption games, where higher points is better.

The jury vote consists of three or five jurors, one of them being me. Each juror will rank every entry from 1 to n, 1 being the highest this time(like in a race, 1st place is better). These rankings are then combined and the totals ranked, the top ten then given the same set of points as above.

Public voting is different, as there will be a pool of points equal to the number of total points* given in the entrant vote.

The percentages from the poll will equal the percent of the total points that entrant gets. E.g. An entry scoring 5% on the poll will receive 5% of the total points.

Most points win.

*Total points in entrant vote= # of entrants multiplied by the 58 points per