Devilleboi: Coming up next on cartoon network; Voltron: Rowdy Rainbows - 10 pts, 6 vts
JacktheRipper13: this doesn't even need a caption. its just that hilarious - 0 pts
CATATTACK123: It makes you wonder, what was the blackmail? - 4 pts
The Dashing Protagonist: "When tumblr user goes rabid, more news to come at 9!" - 7 pts
Costanzafaust: This gives a whole new meaning to "I'll form the head!" - 11 pts, 4 vts
Dance_dance: Snipped to save the Ship - 2 pts
dividen by none: The fabled twin of the gay agenda- the gay mafia- was at it again.... - 3 pts
TheSilhouette: *reads "gays: hmm <insert neutral unoffensive, vegan, gluten-free, unsalted, 99.9% analytical grade, no animals were harmed, caption> - 0 pts
Lesbian_Syphilitic_Spanker: In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only Tumblr - 11 pts, 5 vts
WhiteCornFed: Fan uses backdoor channels to improve favorite comic. - 10 pts, 5 vts