Saturday, January 20, 2018

Word: magnaður

The_Dragon: A sense of smallness gotten when contemplating the vastness of space. - 6 pts
the arborist: n. an accumulation of crumbs in the reeds in one's longhouse - 3 pts
MaybeBoB: The force responsible for pulling magnets together and pushing them apart that SCIENTISTS STILL CANT ANSWER - 3 pts
WidgetLikaTurtel: Our Magnetized Pony - 3 pts
Granite_Grizz: A person that confuses people because their perfume/cologne is randomly rubbed onto their bodies from magazines. They often do not actually purchase said magazines. - 14 pts
The Great Necronoodle: a Magnetic Minotaur -2 pts
Jeff Jeff: Magnaður is a overly sophsicated magnetic canvas that was only used once by a pretenious artist to display an artwork dedicated to the triumph of discovering bacon. but said artwork was lost forever because some guy named Steve bumped into it. - 8 pts, 2 3's
Cpt jizzwater: magnaður- noun. The realization there is no meaning in life, thus the only way to prevent seeing your friends and family die is to die first. - 8 pts, 1 3
Aithre: A title reserved for the most intensely hot and sour sauce in the world - 7 pts
Gumulonimbus: I'm thinking a Weaboo/Otaku, but instead of spending all day whackin' it to cute girls' thighs, they lift weights. - 8 pts, 3 vts
C0W: much like a pompadour but made out of lava. - 10 pts
Graelk: composed of more magma than usual - 5 pts
KingnIceFire: it is the answer to the question: why did the chicken cross the road - 1pt


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