Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Grenade rules fixed

The original rules PDF avaliable online has a number of grammatical errors. This is my attempt at correcting them.

This is a game about deception, luck, some strategy and getting rid of the grenade! Blow up your opponents and be the last player alive!

You need a deck of regular playing cards and four 6-sided dice, preferably three of one colour and the fourth of another. For the sake of explanation, the rules refer to the three dice as “white” and the fourth as the “black” die. The white dice are the grenades.


1. Sort the cards. You'll need the Ace to 7 of hearts and spades and one joker.

2. Shuffle the hearts and put them in a face down pile. Then shuffle the spades and the joker and put them in another face down pile.

3. Deal a card from the hearts pile to each player face down (in a 2 player game deal 2 cards to each player). Discard the remaining hearts without looking at them.

4. Now you put the spades and the joker in the shape of a wheel. Place three dice on the first spade that you put down, with the die showing a 1 on the top.

5. The goal of the game is to be the last person playing. You try to eliminate your opponents by blowing up the card you think belongs to them.

6. The heart card in your hand has the same number as the spade-card on the table which you want to keep in play.

7. There are also non player cards on the table so trying to guess witch cards your opponents have is a big part of the game.

8. On your turn, you roll the black die. And then you move one of the white die as many cards, clockwise, as the black die showed. When you put the white die down on the last card you raise the number on the white die by one.

9. If the white die turns to a 6 on the last step the grenade blows up and that card is out of play. Turn that card face down. Reset the white die to “1” on the next spade after the one that got blown up. If there are other card on a card that gets blown up they all reset to “1” on the next spade.

10. The joker: If a white die's last step is on the joker all the white dice raise their pips by one. If a die or more explodes because of this move, this is resolved as usual.

How to win:
In this manner you will blow up card after card. When a card on the table matching a card in a players hand, blows up, that player is out of the game. The last player “alive” is the winner!

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