Thursday, August 10, 2023

Game Review: Combo-bliterate

This a short review of a game sent over a playing card game Discord, a summary of rules will be attached.

Combo-bliterate is a solitaire where you deal a line of cards and remove cards with the goal of creating matches (in suit or rank) or runs. Though these matches score, removed cards cost points. You can also rearrange one card per deal (or two in a bonus).

The game is similar to old computer games that involve chained combos and the bonuses that come with them. Unfortunately there are no combo bonuses in this one, thus putting even more pressure to be efficient with scoring matches. Foresight is key and with limited moves each one has a value.

This is not an easy game, the penalty cards do stack up to punish moves that are too cheap. My best score so far is -1 with the rest at -2, so admittedly my strategy needs work.



One deck of cards. Deal nine cards in a line without rearranging. Prepare an area for scored cards and a penalty discard pile.

One each deal you can:

Relocate: Choose one card and move it anywhere in the line. Can only be done once per deal but can be done twice after a bonus. Does not cause chain reactions.

Remove: Discard a card from the line, this can cause chain reactions.

    Chain reactions: If upon closing a gap three or more cards collide and form an ascending or descending run, remove these cards and place them in the scoring area face up. If upon closing a gap two colliding cards match rank or suit, remove these cards and place them in the scoring area face down. This continues until no valid matches happen during a collision.

Pass: Can only be done with 0 to 2 cards on the line. Draw nine more cards onto the line or until the deck runs out. If passing with 0 cards on the line draw two cards face down into the scoring area and draw for next deal, on this deal you can relocate twice.

Game ends once there are no more cards on the draw pile and the line.

Face-up cards score 1 point
Face-down cards score .5 points
Face down cards score -2 points

Standard win is a total of 1 point. For hard mode the goal is a total of 4 points.

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