The Tainted Wisdom:
My teachers: "No, there isn't a job where you 'troll' people and animals all day!"
Behavioral Psychologists:
- 8 pts
Soxfan196o: My cats love coca cola...the logo - 2 pts
Fargblabble: "After a round table discussion, all of the performers agreed to the terms of the new product-placement deal" - 2 pts
Chadomancer: That was the last anyone ever heard from Janice. - 9 pts
Chadomancer: That was the last anyone ever heard from Janice. - 9 pts
hUntanoMAD: Connection error. Failed to load object: cat food. Please try again. - 9 pts
HappyAmerican: Nerf day - 5 pts
Servius: /games people anytime anyone says anything that has an AR in it - 9 pts
theMalcolite: Our dishwashing soap is so fresh, even your cats will love it - 3 pts
Geodis: When you forget the "(na) - 6 pts
Clawleone: when someone accidentally says AR in /games - 7 pts