Word: zaiarengatik
Disco Stews Party Van: A word to describe a drunken alien - 3 pts
placidfac: Geriatric battle cry, used during the great war against the prune people of Pluto, our miserable overlords. - 7 pts, 3 vts
The Predator: A term used by meteorologists, meaning that the clouds are completely covering the sky - 0 pts
JikanMcA: That moment a dinosuar falls out of the sky. No it's not what you scream, it's what you call the dinasouar - 6 pts
busstop82: zaiarengatik is the antonym to supercalifragilistic expialidocious - being used only if you have something to say. which makes it the least used word in the english language - 7 pts, 4 vts
Aithre: The ancient magick of peeing in toilet without spilling outside the urinal - 8 pts
Brimund: when one attempts for the 13th time to win a game they always lose, and loses again - 3 pts
Wisko: Very convincing horse dentures. - 9 pts
deadleeplatapus: the definition for the tic that forms when you are waiting for a world event but you really want to ascend. - 11 pts
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3 | | | | 3 | 1 | | | | | 7 |
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2 | | | | 1 | | 1 | | 2 | | 6 |
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1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | 2 | | | | 9 |
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