Lord President: It's open every other day: to-day isn't any other day, you know. - 3 pts
Llamasoup: Hey, they're open! - 6 pts, 4 vts
Indigo Rain: With just the windows broken, they didn't feel like they could call it Nine-Eleven - 7 pts
Tango Rose: Prepping for a hurricane - 4 pts, 3 vts
Xyzaxy: "Open walls for our back door deals" - 6 pts, 3 vts
Washingtongroundsquirrel: "Sometimes, you're the munchies." - 1 pt
Rather Dashing: 7-Eleven: Where the good things come easy, if you have an axe. - 6 pts, 4 vts
Nyker: You don't want to see them closed - 17 pts
damien1: finally, they figured out a way to leave some slurpees for ghosts. poor casper always gets there too late and the blue raspberry is empty - 6 pts, 2 vts
ShinyPlatypus: "legitimate business in front, and we don't talk about the back" - 4 pts, 2 vts